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Margaret Maria Tone (1837-1926)

Margaret Maria was Thomas Jefferson Tone (1830-1903)'s sister. I haven't been able to learn much about her, but via Ancestry:

  • Born in Bergen, where the Tones lived.
  • Married John Mosier in 1858. Ancestry says this was in Indiana, but since Mosier was from Bergen and since their children were born in Bergen, the location is suspect.
  • Married Christopher Columbus Hodges in 1870 in Greenville, MI. Mr. Mosier's fate is unknown. The Michigan location seems correct since the Hodges children were born there.
  • Confirmed living in Michigan in the US censuses of 1880 and 1890.
  • Died in Gold Hill, Oregon in 1926. How or why she ended up in Oregon is unknown.

She's reported living in Montpelier, Idaho with her sister Mary Ann Tone (1824-1909) in an obituary for Thomas Jefferson Tone (1830-1903). It's not clear why either of them ended up in Idaho. Montpelier was settled by Mormon pioneers, which could be part of the reason.

  • Parents:
  • Spouse:
  • Siblings:
  • Children:

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